Boots on the Ground

So we were pretty bummed after Texas-Ohio at the beginning of March. We'd hoped that Barack could seal the deal, and we could all move on and start focusing on the fight against McCain, whose warmongering, Iran and Al-Qaeda-confusing ineptness is still getting a free pass from the Media.
I really wanted to do something significant to contribute to Obama's effort. I realized I had a few days free. Campaign contributions are great, phonebanking is a great way to help, but in elections there's no substitute for boots on the ground.
I'm not at liberty right now to talk about the specifics of my short adventure in the Monongahela valley, but I can say that the Keystone State is rather pretty this time of year.

We weren't expecting a win. I was hoping for a slightly better margin. But consider that she was more than twenty points ahead in PA just a couple of weeks ago. And despite all the media hoopla, she only netted 9 delegates. The map hasn't really changed.
Do you want Barack Obama to be your president? Do you agree that this is probably the most pivotal election of your life thus far? Democracy is not s spectator sport! There are lots of ways to help. You can make calls from your home, you can join others, you can write postcards, you can put 20 bucks on your credit card, you can even hit the road or get on a plane.
Start by going HERE.
At the very least, if my (or anybody else's) kid asks me in twenty years what I did when I saw what was going on in the world around me. . . and where my country was headed. . . I'll be able to say, "I tried."