

Oh, I Guess They Do Heart Huckabee. . .

My previous post obviously got a lot of people's attention. Huckabee could very well win Iowa and be a strong contender for the GOP nomination after all. Today he announced that longtime Republican operative Ed Rollins, who guided Ronald Reagan to many electoral victories, is taking over as the Chairman of his national campaign. Rollins joked it was the first campaign he'd worked that had neither booze nor donuts (Huck is a Baptist preacher for one, and a health nut for another, having lost two hundred pounds or something like that a couple of years ago). Snarkiness aside, I think that was kind of cute. There's something genuinely likeable about the governor -- unfortunately he happens to be on the wrong side of the debate on nearly all major national issues, in my opinion.

A moving force behind his ascent in popularity, especially nationally, is clearly Giuliani's slide.

Personally, I'm for Obama at the moment, for a lot of reasons which maybe I'll ramble about if I can find the time. I'm not sure about his healthcare plan, which has been taking a lot of heat from the left. Maybe he's trying to be bipartisan because he believes it's the only way of achieving results; or maybe he's too afraid of a fight with the establishment. . .


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