And Now You Are Mine

I swear I'm really not that gadget-obsessed. Having a lot of Apple gear, camera equipment and whatnot is maybe what you could call a professional perk. . . but it's a means to an end.
This iphone thing, however, had me at hello. I don't recall ever experiencing such raw, materialistic longing. Except maybe for a plastic Otpimus Prime at age 9. It has taken untold willpower to get to this day, February 29th (and an extra delay at that, damn you leap year), the day before my Sprint PCS contract expires, without plunging headfirst into the land of telecom-transcending tactile joy, cancellation fees be damned. But Liz has kept my feet on the ground as I have complained about lack of mobile e-mail and oh-so-primitive texting, as I have insisted that today's creative professional simply cannot be encumbered any longer by the limits of a mere "cell phone."
Eight months I have waited, just to avoid the spiteful $200 that Sprint brandishes at its unsatisfied customers. The wait ends today.