Here We Go

It's a race now, isn't it? Oy. I have a lot of work to get done this month, too. . . :)
Oh, and someone asked me last night what I think about the Repub side. Other than their field resembling a "circular firing squad," I have no idea how it will shake out. I can hardly stand to listen to any of them, so I haven't been paying very close attention. The irony, of course, is that the least offensive, backward, and ideologically corrupt among them is McCain, but I don't want to see him get the nom because he'll be the hardest to beat. I used to like McCain. I used to have a lot of respect for him. No more. He sold out his principles in vigorously and repeatedly supporting the Bush Regime's criminal conduct, and he even kissed the asses of the Christian Fascists he always criticized in order to pander to his party's knuckle-dragging base.
This is how I will always think of John McCain:
