Why Don't They Heart Huckabee?

Governor Mike Huckabee seems at first glance like the ideal '08 GOP candidate. I mean, the party's base has been complaining for months that the frontrunners don't embody their values -- Giuliani has been married three times and is pro-choice; Romney has only recently become pro-life, and he's a mormon (gasp!). Well here's another Arkansas governor from a place called Hope, but this one is an evangelical Christian, and a minister to boot. He's always been pro-life, he's supported the invasion and occupation of Iraq every step of the way, he doesn't believe in Evolution and all that pesky science-y stuff. Yep, he believes the Bible is the literal word of God, from the talking snake to the pillar of salt to the belly of the whale to "beam-me-up-Jesus." What's not to like? Is he not whacky enough for the Dobson and Haggard crowd? He was officially endorsed by Chuck Norris!
Oh, wait, I see. Apparently he's into stuff like expanding healthcare for poor kids. He talks about. . . America being a compassionate nation? That stinks of liberalism! Who does he think he is, RFK?
If you like, allow expert Con operative Bob "The Prince of Darkness" Novak to elighten you about why Huckabee just isn't conservative enough.
Or, skipt it, and read up on Barack Obama instead. :)