So Al Gore Won the Nobel Peace Prize

Yeah. . . In case you hadn't heard.
In the last year he's also won both an Oscar and an Emmy Award. And in addition to the years he's spent lecturing and travelling the world to campaign for policies to combat man-made climate change, he also co-founded and ran an investment firm specializing in sustainable, environmentally progressive business ventures. And he created an interactive television network -- the first of its kind -- that enables viewers to create their own programming about the issues and topics that they think are important to society. And he wrote a book about how the founders of the U.S.A. intended for our democracy to thrive on informed and vigorous public debate, and how that "marketplace of ideas" has been squelched by tabloid media obsessed with trivial celebrity gossip and choked by religious superstition that allows fear and popular myth to trump science and reason. Earning the affectionate moniker, "The Goracle," he predicted with astonishing accuracy the disastrous outcome of the U.S. invasion of Iraq before it happened. He spoke out against the Iraq War and the Bush Administration's assault on domestic civil liberties as early as '03, before we had the faintest idea what was really going on. But the media back then reported that Al Gore had "gone nuts."
It's also worth noting that, back in the 80s, seeing the potential benefit to the nation, as a Senator he introduced the legislation that made way for the creation of a public Internet. In his spare time, he's on the boards of both Apple and Google.
There's a strong grassroots movement that believes Al is the most qualified person in America to be President, and they recently bought a full-page ad in the New York Times to say so, and to try to drum up more support. But every indication is that he still has no intention to run.
Whaddya say, America? Would you have a beer with him now?
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At this point, Al Gore is OVER qualified to be president. After 8 years of Bush, Gore would be too much of a shock to the system, like eating broccoli after years of nothing but pretzels and vodka (Bush's favorite snack, btw, before the pretzels tried to kill him).
You're right, Tom, he IS overqualified by the current de facto standards. And that's just twisted up in all kinds of irony. He isn't going to run. Even if he really wanted to, even I doubt there's time left to mount a strong enough effort to beat Hillary in the early states. And he doesn't want to. Al Gore loves public service. He's come to hate politics. If there were a magical way for the Supreme Court to say, "Hey, we fucked up, you get your turn to be prez now," he'd do it. But these days, being a candidate means you can't always say what you're really thinking. And Gore has gotten really good at speaking his mind in the last few years. So good, that I've purchased more than a couple of overpriced DVDs from CSPAN. The fantasy is that this new Gore 2.0 could run as the same guy who's been kicking ass around the world, giving speeches, winning awards, inspiring millions. I fear it's just a fantasy.
As a P.S. to my post, I just want to note that, in classic internet style, I think I made it look as though the picture at the top of the post is Al giving a rather smug thumbs-up at winning the Nobel. Not at all. That's probably him at the Oscars or something. The truth is that he made like a two-minute statement, said he was accepting it on behalf of all the scientists, and then quickly exited, saying that this was just the beginning and he was going back to work immediately. Oh yeah, and that he was donating all of his share of the prize money to the cause.
As a P.S. to my post, I just want to note that, in classic internet style, I think I made it look as though the picture at the top of the post is Al giving a rather smug thumbs-up at winning the Nobel. Not at all. That's probably him at the Oscars or something. The truth is that he made like a two-minute statement, said he was accepting it on behalf of all the scientists, and then quickly exited, saying that this was just the beginning and he was going back to work immediately. Oh yeah, and that he was donating all of his share of the prize money to the cause.
I think that the picture is from The Cannes Film Festival- the thing over his shoulder looks like part of the Palm d'Or.
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