

9/11: Here We Are Again

I refer to my post from one year ago. Please read if you haven't. Please do what you can to work for peace. Thank you. Good night.

P.S. If anyone is wondering what I think if the "Petraeus Report," neither by Petraeus nor a real report, or the status of The Surge as it has been presented, or sold, to us. . . I hope it's obvious to everyone: Security in Iraq is possibly better than it was a year ago because more troops are on the ground to discourage sectarian violence and terrorist attacks. This isn't surprising because there were never enough ground forces to begin with to pacify an insurgency. But the political situation there is more fragmented and worse than ever, which means that the civil war will likely continue and worsen. We simply do not have enough troops to maintain The Surge for much longer without instituting a new Draft. And so our national nightmare continues. . .

Up to 2 Million Iraqis dead. Over 2.2 Million homeless refugees trying to escape the failed state that was once their home. Nearly $500 BILLION OF YOUR AND MY TAX DOLLARS down the hole. . .

Osama who?


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