Rev. Falwell, We Hardly New Ye

Alright, I'm not one to celebrate the death of anyone. (If you're looking for that, here's what TMZ posted, ouch. Also, check the Huffington Post blogroll for plenty of damning Falwell farewells.)
But I obviously wasn't a fan. Jerry did a lot of damage during his many years of power and influence. I won't miss him. But there are plenty of people waiting to take his place among the leaders of the faux-Christian corporate hate-lobby.
And speaking of the forces of darkness. . . Very seldom does the mainstream media look closely at the deep roots and the benefactors of theocratic fascism as it manifests itself in our era. Who are these people, really, and what do they want? Ever heard of billionalre demagogue Reverend Sun Myung Moon? If you haven't, perhaps you should ask your purveyors of nightly news why not. After all, he now owns the Washington Times and the UPI wire service. His organizations have received Millions of our taxpayer money through the Bush Administration's bogus faith-based initiatives program. More than a few members of Congress attended his CORONATION. He also claims to be the Second Coming, engages in bizarre masochistic/religious sexual practices and, in my humble opinion, fits rather well with Revelation's prophesied description of the Anticrhist, if you're into that.
Here is a very intriguing article from a couple of years ago about his possible connections to the Rev. Falwell.
"I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyrannny over the mind of man."
-Thomas Jefferson
Serenity now.