And Now For Something Completely Different. . .
The towering idiocy, the all-consuming incompetence of the Administration has risen to surreal levels. I feel a political rant coming on. . . but where to start? Maybe tomorrow if I have time.
Meanwhile, here's a cat playing a piano.
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It's getting difficult to keep up with all of their scandals and douche-baggery, which kind of works in their favor. Just when a story is about to get traction, a new scandal pushes it off the front page. What happened to Walter Reed? Looks like the US attorney scandal is here to say, though.
Lets just hope this one sticks, and the dems don't back down. The more fallout, the more fuel added to the fire for other investigations into stuff that matters a lot more, like the pre-war intelligence manipulation etc.
Hopefully supoenas and televised hearings will start to get people's attention and add some teeth to the endless cycles of scandal in the media. . .
Or at least I can hope so.
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Hopefully supoenas and televised hearings will start to get people's attention and add some teeth to the endless cycles of scandal in the media. . .
Or at least I can hope so.
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