

The Casa Bar Attracts All Kinds

Imagine my surprise when I discovered him lurking in the shadows after returning from a little birthday revelry at the Cat and Fiddle last night. We all gave a startled jump, I think. . . except for Gregg, who I suspect was mysteriously complicit in his arrival.

He's been going through a rough patch these days, and Casa Bar is a good place to unwind and unload your troubles. But judging by the amount of Tanqueray and Maker's that disapppeared, I think someone may have "missed a meeting."


Okay for the party this weekend, need a paint gun or darts and then it's a party
heh heh. . . heh. . . bring it on.
I'm coming up with my strategery...Liz remembers what happened to Joe Montana in college
We were treated to the video. It was shocking. Joe was violated. But beware, Dubya will have the protection of Sobchak Security. . .
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