

What party?

MDIII, our lovely barbecue and party that occured last Saturday Night, was great. But you'll have to take my word for it, because apparently no one took a single picture. I guess it was that much fun. So thanks to everyone who came, and thanks for all the contributed food and drink. Gregg ruled the grill and did great work, especially when latecomers showed up hungry at midnight. The diversity of edibles and beverages was impressive. Although I did note that the punch, this year, lacked a certain. . .punch. But maybe that's for the best. Oddly, the night was the windiest we've had in quite awhile, and it got a little chilly out in the back forty as the night grew long. But our intrepid crowd of Southern Californians stuck it out, even as the mercury dipped below the sixty degree mark, and that's saying something. (Most revelers were actually expat East Coasters, but that shouldn't take away from everyone else who did without their winter jackets!)

We missed everyone who couldn't make it but were glad to see everyone who did, including some friends and associates who we hadn't seen in quite some time. Get ready for the Fourth, it's just over a month away. . .


P.S. Lots of beer and wine left, come over and drink it.

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